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Bestechender Sound
Bestechender Sound
Schöppingen - Die leider nicht so freundliche Witterung konnte dem Open-Air- Konzert des Musikzugs der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Schöppingen nichts anhaben. Im Gegenteil: Das erstmalig am Vorabend des Blues­festivals durchgeführte Konzert „Blas meets Blues“ geriet zu einem Volksfest der Schöppinger, bei dem Groß und Klein sich an dem...
Michael Burks & Band (USA)
Michael Burks & Band (USA)
“Michael Burks is a flamethrower guitarist. He is the complete bluesman: songwriter, singer, riff-master, bandleader, and showman...Savage fury and heartfelt tenderness” –Chicago Sun-Times “Michael Burks is a guitar slinger with a brawny tone, deeply emotional singing and rompin’, stompin’ blues power.” –GuitarOne...
Jason Ricci & New Blood (USA)
Jason Ricci & New Blood (USA)
Blues, Rock, Funk, Jazz Fusion, Eastern, Punk, Carnival, Psychedelic, Performance Art and more are all regularly attached descriptions of the band Jason Ricci and New Blood. Defying category, without defying the techniques, authenticity and disciplines of any one of those category is a rare and dangerous high wire act this band has been balancing expertly year after year,...
Tommy Castro (USA)
Tommy Castro (USA)
R&B singer, songwriter and guitarist Tommy Castro is one of the most popular and creative roots artists to emerge in recent years. Castro, winner of the 2008 Blues Music Award for Entertainer Of The Year, is famed not only for his hard-hitting, impassioned vocals, soaring guitar work and his blues-infused, rocking R&B sound, but also for his striking, original...
Roland Tchakounte & Band (F)
Roland Tchakounte & Band (F)
Roland Tchakounté is living proof that Blues knows no boundaries. Born in Cameroon, far away from the cotton fields that sculpted his elders’ style, he starts his musical training through percussion then the guitar, followed by the piano and harmonica. His first steps on stage, as a bass player and singer, take place within local Cameroonian band specialised...
Ryan McGarvey Band (USA)
Ryan McGarvey Band (USA)
At age 23, Albuquerque, New Mexico native Ryan McGarvey has in a relatively short amount of time not only gained a national, and international fan base, but admiration from his personal idols as well. In the past few years of Ryan's career he has had the honor, and the pleasure of sharing the bill with such top name act's as Blue Oyster Cult, Shemekia Copeland, Shannon...
Henrik Freischlader & Gary Moore's Blues Line Up
Henrik Freischlader & Gary Moore's Blues Line Up
Henrik Freischlader Henrik Freischlader (Gitarre) Henrik Freischlader ist Autodidakt, Multi-Instrumentalist und Komponist. Er liebt den Blues. Motiviert durch Gary Moore wählte er die Gitarre als Hauptinstrument. Seine Musikerkarriere begann in kleinen Clubs, ohne Gage, aber mit treuen Fans. Als Support für Joe Bonamassa in 2006 erhält er...
Überraschung vom anderen Ende der Welt
Überraschung vom anderen Ende der Welt
Schöppingen - Längst steht die Mondsichel über der Bühne. Das Publikum wurde bereits reich beschenkt. Und dann legen Henrik Freischlader und Weggefährten von Gary Moore noch ein Päckchen obendrauf. Als der raumgreifende Klang der Hammond-Orgel von Vic Martin sich mit Freischladers kristallklaren Gitarren-Klängen zu Moores Version von...